Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Hi, again!

Life has been kinda crazy here at the Michael house, so I've forgotten to check in. All of our belongings were delivered to our new house in Williamsport last week, Ryan's been working some MAJOR overtime {Boo,Hiss!}, and Grayson turned 3!! So we've been unpacking, celebrating with gluten free cupcakes {yay, Sunflower Bakery!} , trying not to kill each other, and generally been going bananas for the last 8 days. In the midst of all that, I totally didn't meet some of my goals. I know I wasn't drinking enough water, and I haven't had a real workout in 9 days. Other than moving day (diets don't happen on moving happens on moving day} , and that gluten free cupcake, I have stuck with my my modified Whole30 guideline. But, since I DID cheat, I am starting over. 
Rules are rules, and I still have some weight and bad habit breaking to go.

So, in order to be totally up front about what I put in my body, I'm going to make a list.
Every day I take the following supplements and medications:
Pre-natal Vitamin
Vitamin D
Melatonin (not every day, but most)
Fish Oil
7 mg Adderall
1/2- 1 cup of coffee
1 packet of Plexus mix (since July 7th)

So far, since July 7th, I'm down just under 8 pounds. I'm pretty tall, so there's no crazy difference in my overall size, but I can tell a difference in my face, and where my swimsuit sits on my hips isn't *quite* as muffin-toppy. I'll take it.

As far as my "feeling" with Plexus, I do feel a little more stable in my morning-food-decision process. Waking up and having something sweet is a big help for me. I always feel a little "off" in the mornings, and crave some kind of refined carb or fruit to get me started. I usually stave it off with a grimace and a hot water with lemon first thing, but I've been waking up and immediately drinking 16 ounces of water with the packet mixed in, and it gives me just a little bit longer to let my brain catch up with my stomach before I eat. Then I go for my hot water with lemon while I cook breakfast for G.

Now that I think about it, I have found it much easier to not overdo fruit while cutting out "paleo treats", which I really struggled with during my first Whole30 last year. I'm not sure if it's because I'm better "trained", or has something to do with the Plexus. I'll definitely be paying more attention to that over the next week and see what kind of conclusion I come to. Maybe I should skip a morning dose of the mix and see how my cravings are?

*Just a note. Plexus would not be considered "real" Whole30 compliant. 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Intro: Amanda

Hi! I'm Amanda {Piper} Michael.

My Instagram account describes me as "Mom to Grayson. Wife to Ryan. Paleo{ish} eater. Shoe aficionado. Coffee guzzler. Compulsive Clorox user. Target is my favorite place."  I answer to "Mom, Mommy, Piper, Pippy, Amanda, Mrs. Michael, and "Hey you" <<that last one comes from my own mom half of the time ;) 

I'm a little bit of a health nut with a sweet tooth that kicks my butt a lot of the time. When Ryan and I married last year, I had finally shed the last of my unwanted post-baby weight by following a pretty strict Paleo "diet" and {literally} running my butt off. Then, we went to Greece for 2 weeks, and I ate my weight in feta cheese and baklava. Basically, this happened: 

Then it was the longest  winter EVER, and I don't really go outside when it's I found 22 of those pounds I worked so hard to lose.  I started July at 161 pounds, and would like
to get back to 140.

Since I know Paleo is sustainable and enjoyable for me, I'm back on the wagon. I'm currently in the middle of a {slightly modified} Whole30, and making sure I'm drinking 100 ounces of water per day. Mom also talked my sisters and I into trying her Plexus for a month, just to see what happens. I'm 11 days back into strict paleo, and 6 days into supplementing with Plexus, and I'm down 6 pounds! Yay!

I have a goal of losing an additional 10-15 before mid-September; when I am *finally* having a breast lift and augmentation. I can't wait to see what happens!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Everywhere we go people wanna know....

Do you remember that song?  "Everywhere we go, people wanna know, who we are, so we tell them, we are the ________________ (fill in the blank).  Well, we are The Pink Ladies of Plexus and we want to tell you a bit about who we are.  We are a mom and her four daughters who are giving Plexus a chance to make a difference in our journeys to better health.  We are all at different levels of health and fitness.  Through this blog we decided to share our Plexus journey with you all to better represent how Plexus works for different people.

Over the next week or so each of us will do a little background bio so you can get to know us! :D

My name is Mom, Momma, Mommy, Mama or Judy.  Being the mother to these four beauties (and their two handsome brothers) is the greatest gift I have ever received.

 We chose to homeschool these guys and couldn't be prouder than to know that each of them has chosen to go to college.  My husband and I live with our kids (well, at least part of the time) in North Mississippi.

 Over the past 22 years I have really let myself go.  I don't have any current medical conditions but the truth is, that those are just waiting on the sidelines...I have so much weight to lose that diabetes, knee trouble, heart disease, etc are probably just a matter of time for me unless I do something now.

Being an example is important to me but having accountability is what motivates me even more.  Asking my daughters to join me on this journey will help me stay the course and I hope that I can help them as well.

I have chosen to begin today with a weigh in and I will be posting a current picture.  The girls will each add their info as they have time this week or next.

                                         Lolly and her grandgirl, Avery, and grandboy, Grayson

                                        One year ago at my daughter, Amanda's (Piper) wedding.

We invite you to join us on our Plexus journey, either by taking the product along with us or just reading our stories...we aren't the Kardashians but you may enjoy the ride nonetheless!  lol